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Accelerating labor and economic opportunity with Skills 2 Business.

Skills2Business is a skills resource planner designed to assist with critical skills-development and future talent planning for:


Primary and Secondary Education

Workforce Agencies

Non Profits



Throughout the Talent Chain, skills are the critical component. S2B enables entities of all types and sizes to identify the critical skills that drive their operations and it empowers them to collaborate with others to educate, train, and recruit high-skilled talent for the future.

Who Benefits from Skills 2 Business?


Can identify critical skills utilized in successful operations and collaborate with schools and governments to ensure that they have skilled workers to meet current and future talent demands.


Can learn which skills are in high-demand and draw upon industry-feedback to integrate meaningful, project-based, experiential learning activities to enrich their curricula and better equip their students for post-graduation employment.


Can strengthen and grow the workforce by creating access and incentives by developing skills to facilitate employment growth and economic prosperity.


Can set career-oriented goals around in-demand skills and receive valuable guidance about how to become more viable to employers by demonstrating evidence of applications they seek.

Ai Algorithm and the S2B Ecosystem


We believe that skills can be classified into five categories:

  1. Traits and characteristics
  2. Job Functions
  3. Educational Standards
  4. Tools and Technologies
  5. Subjects

By creating these categories we can then use our custom algorithms and Ai to associate and join skills between the categories making it easier for the different silos of schools, governments, business, and individuals to communicate with each other. In short enter and populate what matters to you and watch the magic happen from there.

How Skills to Business Works ?

Grows Individuals Talent

by identifying critical skills-gaps in the marketplace so students and unemployed (or underemployed) individuals can create personal, skills-development plan to efficiently reach their time based career goals

Grows Communities’ Talent

by evaluating current and future skill demands from the marketplace to inform and facilitate collaborative strategic talent development programs to better target and fill those skill demand gaps

Facilitates Talent Chain Collaboration

among all entities within the overall talent value chain to accelerate development and growth of a qualified labor pool by equipping them with employable, industry defined skills.